Check it out!!
And remember
Have you ever tried learning a new language but haven't really had that much time? So I got this really cool app where you can learn different languages like French,Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and German. Its a really a good app
I'm currently learning French.
You can get the app or go to their website
You should try it out
My fridge food
My fridge food allows you to get recipes according to what you have in your fridge. Its really good if you aren't a very good cook (like me)
Google fight
Googlefight is a website that allows users to compare the number of search results returned by Google for two given queries. For example Kim kardashian vs Beyoncé Knowles
Life hacker is great blog for anyone looking to streamline their life, Lifehacker provides tricks and tips for getting stuff done.
Flixster is for anyone that likes movies, this site is simply addicting.
So I've recently been going through Instagram and I've noticed the most annoying pictures and comments ever!
I've done it myself (dont judge me)
I hope I haven't offended anyone
Posting pictures of food
You don't have to post every single meal you eat! I know you must be feeling proud of yourself for making such a yummylicious(yummy+delicious) meal but don't post ALL of them
People who use LOTS of hashtags
Haven't you heard that saying less is better?
Stop posting unnecessary things
We know that it isn't real stop Photoshopping
Instagram haters
We all have haters virtually ot in the real world. They just want to be like you
Hey welcome to my life!
So this is my first blog hopefully lots of people will come check it out
Here I'll talk about lots of things that may interest you so please tell all your friends and family to check my blog out